In your consultation, you will feel listened to, cared for, and confident that I am doing my best for you. My formal and informal training allows me to work with the most recent revelations in science, the proven traditional methods that have been used for centuries, and the culmination of over 35 years of experience in the health industry and 25 years of clinical practice.
My naturopathic tools include Bowen Therapy, Emmett Technique, Healing Touch, sympathetic resonance, nutritional and cleansing guidance, Tissue Salts, homoeopathy, and a well-tuned ear for listening. I am genuinely interested in you. The combination of practical experience, scientific qualifications, motherhood, 13 years of breastfeeding counselling, and a family background in various disabilities has equipped me with a common-sense approach supported by credentials. I have learnt how to live happily, and I’m willing to share it.
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To Get you Back on Track
Sharing your story of health changes is personal and important. Together, we will assess your situation and discuss the best way to cover all aspects of your health and get you back on track. Education plays a major role in maintaining health. Knowing why you have become unwell and what you can do empowers you to take control of your health in the long term. You need knowledge and solutions and we will work together to have you improving by the end of the first session. It has taken many years for you to get to this point, allow several weeks to get yourself back on track.​
Emotional Work
Over many years I have seen how an individual's health is woven through their physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual being. We have a tendency to encapsulate each part to comprehend ill health, but when guiding someone to their full potential, each element is interconnected and cannot be separated from the others.
Physical conditions are the focus of our well-being as pain dominates, and our mental capacity is directly affected as we attempt to alter or accommodate the physical pain. Emotions develop in response to a physical or mental event and can be linked to trace memories that lie quietly in the unconscious (Sacks, 1985). Patterns can be acquired genealogically and through pre-natal and early childhood experiences (Field, 2011; Isobel et al., 2018; Van der Kolk, 2014). We are attuned to our ancestors and caregivers and rely on them for survival, so are acutely aware of what they emit energetically. We have our own experiences and simultaneously take in the emotions of others to create a pattern. The patterns are well practised, and we construct an inner narrative which becomes our identity.
Despite not benefiting us, some patterns become habitual and part of our sense of self. However, we can choose to alter the pattern.
An emotion is an energy form that is part of our spiritual being, and it can change instantaneously (Haramein, 2018). For example, anger can dissolve immediately when the real story is revealed and not left to our imagination; finding a solution to a problem can turn angst into relief. My years as a therapist and having my own journey of personal growth have helped me see how we hold these patterns in specific parts of the body. Muscle tension, organ function, breathing capacity, mucus production and neurological symptoms can change soon after the emotional basis has been addressed. There has been little research into energetic healing; however, it is a growing discipline when rapid healing is wanted, and interest in drug application is waning.
The secret is sympathetic resonance, a musical term that applies to all elements of life. Molecular biologist Bruce Lipton talks about the science behind good vibrations/resonance.
“Simple point. I have two guitars that are tuned the same. If I pluck the A string on guitar #1, the A note on guitar #2 vibrates. Why? It’s the same vibration. Resonance - Constructive interference. I pluck the string on this guitar, but I activate the string on that guitar… Amazing!”
(Lipton B. 2016)
Furthermore, Nassim Haramein (2018), a physicist, emphasises that sympathetic resonance occurs because everything in the universe is connected. All particles in the universe are connected through a network, and we are part of the network. Consequently, we can change a field and modify another’s state of being (30 min .30 sec).
The benefits are that, unlike other therapies that work with emotions, you don’t need to relate the story…again. Together, we intend to resolve what is important to you, and we identify the emotions through the vibrations that bring deeper knowledge into the conscious realm. It is resipiscence, that is, recognising the error and returning to good sense. The acknowledgement of those emotions allows the energy to transform.
Using simple conversation and sympathetic resonance, changes can occur that benefit any physical, mental, emotional,
or spiritual issue.
Others have resolved the following issues in one or two sessions.
Muscle pain or restriction such as wry neck, tongue tie, joint pain or inability to sit cross-legged.
Physical discomfort such as migraines, dry eyes and incontinence.
Anguish about a problem, anxiety or grief, guilt or shame, post-natal depression, indecision about the future and fear of driving.
Undesirable behavioural patterns such as addiction to social media, nail-biting, and resistance to going to school.
I have acquired and developed the skills of sympathetic resonance over many years and through the guidance of many mentors. I have worked with individuals of all ages, animals, and those at a distance, asleep or not in attendance, and there have been benefits to all. We can work face-to-face, but communication over the phone or the internet is effective, as sympathetic resonance vibrates within the universal network.
Field T. (2011). Prenatal depression effects on early development: a review. Infant Behavior & Development, 34(1), 1–14. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.infbeh.2010.09.008
Isobel, S., Goodyear, M., Furness, T., & Foster, K. (2019). Preventing intergenerational trauma transmission: A critical interpretive synthesis. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 28(7-8), 1100-1113. https://doi.org/10.1111/jocn.14735
Haramein, N. (2018). YouTube.com/watch?v=3ZPVp0NGEYY
Lipton, B. H. (2016). The biology of belief 10th anniversary edition: Unleashing the power of consciousness, matter & miracles.
Hay House.
Sacks (1985). The man who mistook his wife for a hat. Gerald Duckworth and Co. Ltd.
Van der Kolk (2014). The body keeps the score. Penguin Books.
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Body Work
If your body is not relaxed and aligned, your mobility is restricted, you can’t think clearly, and you are very open to injuries and illnesses. I have great empathy for structural pain, and I feel, in particular, back pain would have to be one of the most debilitating conditions there is. Shoulders, neck and knees can bring you undone too. Consequently, I have developed my business around giving relief to people with such conditions. The techniques I use to relax the muscles encourage blood and lymph flow, bring relief to emotional tensions and balance physical and energetic states. Everyone feels better after a treatment.
Qualified therapist of Bowen Therapy; Emmett Technique; Healing Touch.
Bowen Therapy
Bowen Therapy is based on a gentle pressure and release technique of the soft connective tissue (fascia) of the body. This involves a sequence of light, cross-fibre movements of varying pressure at specific sites on the body. It is believed this technique promotes the body’s own healing response. It can provide fast, long-lasting relief from pain and discomfort.
The treatment is not considered massage but rather a non-invasive muscle release technique that can be performed directly on the body or through light clothing. After each session, drink plenty of water to ensure your cells and tissues are adequately hydrated.
Emmett Technique
Emmett Technique creates relaxation by releasing muscle tension through a series of gentle finger point holds. The touch stimulates a release of the tension, allowing further releases in associated muscles and organs, deeper blood and lymph flow, and a release of emotional triggers associated with the tension. The change to the muscle can bring about both physical and emotional responses, bringing relief to pain and trauma. The technique benefits those with extreme debility without causing further pain during therapy.
Healing Touch
Healing Touch is an energy-based therapeutic approach to healing and caring. It is a philosophy and a sacred healing art, which can easily be integrated with other forms of healthcare to facilitate healing and quality of life. It uses a collection of energy-based techniques to assess and treat the human energy systems, thus affecting physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health and healing. Healing Touch was developed by Janet Mentgen, RN, drawing on her own experience of energy-based care as she worked as a nurse. It is used in hospitals, private clinics and in the family home, offering increased relaxation, pain relief and reduction of anxiety and stress. The technique is not highly tactile, placing the hands gently on the body encourages energy re-balancing and energy field repair. The results vary from a sense of well-being to relief from extreme pain.
What Are The Health Benefits Of Body Work For You?
Benefits may include:​
Increased mobility and pain relief
Relaxation of body and mind
Recovery from injury or ailment
Higher energy levels
Improved sleep patterns
Assists lymphatic drainage
A general feeling of wellness
Aids spiritual healing and growth
Treatments are typically very enjoyable; you may experience one or a combination of a warm flow of energy throughout the body, complete relaxation, pain relief, microsleep, or dream states.
Conditions that may benefit:
Abdominal pain
Acute and chronic fatigue
Carpal tunnel
Crying babies
Digestive problems
Fluid retention / Oedema
Headaches / Migraine
Immune system
Impaired circulation
Knee pain
Lower back pain
Menstrual problems
Musculoskeletal pain
Neck and head tension
Respiratory complaints
Repetitive Strain Injury
Shoulder problems
Sports and accident injuries
Stress and anxiety disorders
Who Can Be Treated?
All people, including pregnant women, newborn babies, and the elderly. Treatment supports the body, promoting healing,
pain relief, recovery of energy, and well-being.
For more information about Getting You Back On Track or to organise an appointment, please get in touch:
Mobile 0437 937 930 Email nikolawilkie@gmail.com
Naturopathic consultations are in the comfort of your own home. They can be either face-to-face when I come to you or over the phone or internet. Call or text and I’ll return it as soon as I can. Emails I will look at toward the end of the day.
Education and Products
Understanding the root cause of your health condition empowers you to manage it. As we work together, you will learn how your condition has developed and how to use products to enhance your recovery and stability.
Most acute and chronic health problems involve an imbalance of minerals. Tissue Salts are the minerals essential to the human body for health and vitality. Dr. W. H. Schuessler studied this biochemistry in the early 1800s and used his own theory to formulate a unique system of cellular therapeutics called Biochemic Tissue Salts.
The human body contains twelve vital minerals (tissue salts) in perfect balance,
which is essential for normal cell function and health maintenance.
When the balance is disturbed, an abnormal condition leads to disease.
To re-establish equilibrium, these vital mineral salts need to be administered in a readily assimilated form. The most effective is a homoeopathic (diluted) preparation, which is a minuscule amount and passes rapidly into the bloodstream.
They are one form of treatment used in the clinic, and you can learn to use them to manage your family's health.
You can independently manage your health by recognising early symptoms and taking action to build your body’s strength. The Tissue Salt Kit has everything you need to manage a wide range of issues. Using the Quick Guide you can identify symptoms and remedies to support the body. Rescue Remedy, Propolis, and Bump Ointment are included in the kit to provide a completely natural approach to managing health. The Kit is ideal for steering health by supporting the body’s natural actions.
Disorders of connective tissue: prolapse, haemorrhoids, varicose veins. Hard glands, caries of bones and teeth. Tongue cracked or mapped.
Yellow-green exudates from any surface, boils, pimples, for healing wounds and ulcers. Tongue is coated clay-yellow.
Inflammation, fever, sore throat, earache.
Low resistance to infection, listlessness, fatigue, anaemia. Tongue is clear.
White mucus congestion and exudation, glandular swellings, lymph congestion, coughs, colds and white sputum, asthma, 2nd stage of inflammation. Tongue coated thickly, white.
Exhaustion, irritability, depression, nervous tension, insomnia. Better for rest, worse for exercise.
Yellow discharge from lungs, skin and digestive tract. Dry scaly, unhealthy skin, poor hair, 3rd stage of inflammation. Tongue is coated creamy-yellow.
For healthy bone and teeth formation. Tonsillitis, cramps, anaemia. Better for heat, worse for cold, wet.
Cramps, twitches and hiccups. Muscular spasm, especially in the middle of the back. Colic. Menstrual pain. Better for warmth, pressure, massage.
Cold, especially beginning with sneezing, loss of smell. Cold sores, fluid accumulation. cravings and aversion to salt, 1st stage of inflammation. Tongue is clear or frothy.
Poor acid-alkaline balance. Rheumatism, arthritis, gout. Sour stomach, heartburn. Tongue is creamy or yellow at the back.
Excessive water accumulation. Lymph congestion. Liver and gallbladder congestion, biliousness. Tongue clear or brown.
Poor skin, hair and nails. Tendon, ligament and disc problems. Styes, cysts and boils.
Twelve vials of Tissue Salt remedies
• One vial of Rescue Remedy with over 480 pillules in each
• One 25 ml bottle of Propolis
• One jar of Bump Ointment
• Tissue Salts Quick Guide
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Qualification Details
Bachelor of Naturopathy
Bachelor of Psychological Science
Qualified Practitioner of Bowen Therapy
Qualified Practitioner of Emmett Technique
Practitioner Member / Australian Traditional Medicine Society
Reiki Level 3 Certificate
Healing Touch Level 5
Current Senior First Aid Certificate
Experience and Skills
Naturopathic clinical experience for over 25 years
Bowen Therapy experience for over 25 years
Participated in documenting the practices of Emmett Technique and preparing first
training materials in 2000 and have continued practicing. -
Australian Breastfeeding Association counsellor for 13 years.
Business sole trader for over 25 years.
A mother of happy offspring.
‘Our service and advice brings you and your health back on track.'
Nikola Wilkie